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Session 10 Nutritional Deficiencies and Toxicity Lesson Plans

OVERVIEW: This session shows what happens when a hydroponic nutient has not been mixed properly or something else is wrong in the system. It shows how to avoid these problems and recognize them when they occur.

PURPOSE: To understand the signs of nutrient deficiencies and why they occur.


  1. Understand what nutrient deficiencies look like
  2. Know what to do when there is a nutrient deficiency
  3. Understand how to corrct the problem

RESOURCES/MATERIALS: In the practical the students look through the garden for signs of nutrient deficiency. When there is no garden yet or no deficiencies, nutrients can be mixed that are deficient to keep a experiment running that shows signs. Student mix some nutrient incorrectly to see the difference.

Nutrient Deficiencies


  1. Present the slides for nutrient deficiencies
  2. Take time for questions from the students or comments
  3. Do a practical with the students looking for nutrient deficiencies in the garden plants
  4. Meet for a review of the material

Slide Shows

  • 10.1. Macro Nutrients in Hydroponics
  • 10.2. Medium Nutrients
  • 10.3. Micro Nutrients
  • 10.4. Effects on Plants
  • TYING IT TOGETHER: At the end of the session, the student should be able to understand what happens to plants with nutrient deficiencies

    Revised: 1 January 2005
    Copyright © 2005 Institute for Simplified Hydroponics